In recent years, scholars and pedagogues alike have increasingly recognized the creative potential of thoroughbass. Yet too often, thoroughbass instruction today still lacks good models. G. P. Telemann’s Exercises in Singing, Keyboard-Playing, and Thoroughbass (1733–34) fills this need. This collection contains forty-eight short, simple arias with thoroughbass realizations by Telemann himself. Telemann also provides brief commentary to each aria. This important collection is presented here for the first time as a modern pedagogical edition with English translation (Vol. 1), worksheets for realization (Vol. 2), and audio recordings (with and without voice part). As Telemann’s title suggests, the didactic possibilities are wider than mere thoroughbass and might include:
Aural and Vocal Training: First learn to sing the voice part with the audio recordings that include the voice part, and later sing the melody with the audio recordings that include only the accompaniment. Variation: Have another student accompany the singer during class. Variation: Sing on fixed or moveable solmization syllables.
Keyboard-Playing: Play Telemann’s realizations in secondary piano lessons. Variation: Sing and play at the same time (self-accompaniment).
Harmonic Analysis: Add Roman numerals and label non-chord tones.
Thoroughbass: Play through a few of Telemann’s versions as an introduction. Then realize the figured basslines using the worksheets in the editorial appendix (Vol. 2), which omits Telemann’s realizations. Afterwards check one’s solution against Telemann’s original (Vol. 1).
Recommended Citation
Remeš, Derek
"G. P. Telemann’s Exercises in Singing, Keyboard-Playing, and Thoroughbass (ed. and trans. Derek Remeš),"
Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy: Vol. 34, Article 13.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71156/2994-7073.1397
Available at:
Volume 2: Editorial Exercises for Beginning Thoroughbass Players
Telemann-v3 - .pdf (3549 kB)
Volume 3: Editorial Exercises for Advanced Thoroughbass Players
No.1-without-voice.mp3 (480 kB)
No. 1 Neues (Novelty) without voice.
No.1-with-voice.mp3 (489 kB)
No. 1 Neues (Novelty) with voice.
No.2-without-voice.mp3 (697 kB)
No. 2 Geld (Money) without voice.
No.2-with-voice.mp3 (709 kB)
No. 2 Geld (Money) with voice.
No.3-without-voice.mp3 (929 kB)
No. 3 Zufriedenheit (Satisfaction) without voice.
No.3-with-voice.mp3 (930 kB)
No. 3 Zufriedenheit (Satisfaction) with voice.
No.4-without-voice.mp3 (430 kB)
No. 4 Seltenes Glück (Rare Luck) without voice.
No.4-with-voice.mp3 (430 kB)
No. 4 Seltenes Glück (Rare Luck) with voice.
No.5-without-voice.mp3 (848 kB)
No. 5 Splitter-Richter (Harsh Judge) without voice.
No.5-with-voice.mp3 (860 kB)
No. 5 Splitter-Richter (Harsh Judge) with voice.
No.6-without-voice.mp3 (714 kB)
No. 6 Getrost im Leiden (Confident in Suffering) without voice.
No.6-with-voice.mp3 (713 kB)
No. 6 Getrost im Leiden (Confident in Suffering) with voice.
No.7-without-voice.mp3 (1250 kB)
No. 7 Redlichkeit (Integrity) without voice.
No.7-with-voice.mp3 (1250 kB)
No. 7 Redlichkeit (Integrity) with voice.
No.8-without-voice.mp3 (688 kB)
No. 8 Wechsel (Change) without voice.
No.8-with-voice.mp3 (688 kB)
No. 8 Wechsel (Change) with voice.
No.9-without-voice.mp3 (409 kB)
No. 9 Über das niedersächsische Versapen (Regarding Lower-Saxon Drinking) without voice.
No.9-with-voice.mp3 (409 kB)
No. 9 Über das niedersächsische Versapen (Regarding Lower-Saxon Drinking) with voice.
No.10-without-voice.mp3 (629 kB)
No. 10 Die durstige Natur (The Thirsty Nature) without voice.
No.10-with-voice.mp3 (629 kB)
No. 10 Die durstige Natur (The Thirsty Nature) with voice.
No.11-without-voice.mp3 (640 kB)
No. 11 Die Welt, das Vaterland (The World, the Fatherland) without voice.
No.11-with-voice.mp3 (652 kB)
No. 11 Die Welt, das Vaterland (The World, the Fatherland) with voice.
No.12-without-voice.mp3 (1172 kB)
No. 12 Die Frau (The Wife) without voice.
No.12-with-voice.mp3 (1172 kB)
No. 12 Die Frau (The Wife) with voice.
No.13-without-voice.mp3 (1103 kB)
No. 13 Die vergesserne Phyllis (The Forgetful Phylis) without voice.
No.13-with-voice.mp3 (1105 kB)
No. 13 Die vergesserne Phyllis (The Forgetful Phylis) with voice.
No.14-without-voice.mp3 (838 kB)
No. 14 Der Spiegel (The Mirror) without voice.
No.14-with-voice.mp3 (976 kB)
No. 14 Der Spiegel (The Mirror) with voice.
No.15-without-voice.mp3 (532 kB)
No. 15 Mutter-Söhne (Mother's Darling) without voice.
No.15-with-voice.mp3 (534 kB)
No. 15 Mutter-Söhne (Mother's Darling) with voice.
No.16-without-voice.mp3 (993 kB)
No. 16 Verwunderer (Wonderer) without voice.
No.16-with-voice.mp3 (999 kB)
No. 16 Verwunderer (Wonderer) with voice.
No.17-without-voice.mp3 (863 kB)
No. 17 Sein Diener! (His Servant!) without voice.
No.17-with-voice.mp3 (863 kB)
No. 17 Sein Diener! (His Servant!) with voice.
No.18-without-voice.mp3 (638 kB)
No. 18 Heyrat (Marriage) without voice.
No.18-with-voice.mp3 (639 kB)
No. 18 Heyrat (Marriage) with voice.
No.19-without-voice.mp3 (791 kB)
No. 19 Gemüts-Ruhe (Composure) without voice.
No.19-with-voice.mp3 (791 kB)
No. 19 Gemüts-Ruhe (Composure) with voice.
No.20-without-voice.mp3 (929 kB)
No. 20 Die Jugend (Youth) without voice.
No.20-with-voice.mp3 (930 kB)
No. 20 Die Jugend (Youth) with voice.
No.21-without-voice.mp3 (896 kB)
No. 21 Ohnesorge (Without Worries) without voice.
No.21-with-voice.mp3 (894 kB)
No. 21 Ohnesorge (Without Worries) with voice.
No.22-without-voice.mp3 (453 kB)
No. 22 Alterthum des Geschlechts (The Antiquity of Species) without voice.
No.22-with-voice.mp3 (453 kB)
No. 22 Alterthum des Geschlechts (The Antiquity of Species) with voice.
No.23-without-voice.mp3 (976 kB)
No. 23 Beglückte Niedrigkeit (Delightful Lowliness) without voice.
No.23-with-voice.mp3 (976 kB)
No. 23 Beglückte Niedrigkeit (Delightful Lowliness) with voice.
No.24-without-voice.mp3 (755 kB)
No. 24 Die Einsamkeit (Loneliness) without voice.
No.24-with-voice.mp3 (767 kB)
No. 24 Die Einsamkeit (Loneliness) with voice.
No.25-without-voice.mp3 (407 kB)
No. 25 Sanfter Schlaf [ (Gentle Sleep) without voice.
No.25-with-voice.mp3 (407 kB)
No. 25 Sanfter Schlaf [ (Gentle Sleep) with voice.
No.26-without-voice.mp3 (627 kB)
No. 26 Falschheit (Falsehood) without voice.
No.26-with-voice.mp3 (639 kB)
No. 26 Falschheit (Falsehood) with voice.
No.27-without-voice.mp3 (477 kB)
No. 27 Geizhals (Miser) without voice.
No.27-with-voice.mp3 (488 kB)
No. 27 Geizhals (Miser) with voice.
No.28-without-voice.mp3 (675 kB)
No. 28 Pastorell (Pastorale) without voice.
No.28-with-voice.mp3 (675 kB)
No. 28 Pastorell (Pastorale) with voice.
No.29-without-voice.mp3 (929 kB)
No. 29 Wind (Wind) without voice.
No.29-with-voice.mp3 (929 kB)
No. 29 Wind (Wind) with voice.
No.30-without-voice.mp3 (430 kB)
No. 30 Interessierte Heyraht (Interesting Marriage) without voice.
No.30-with-voice.mp3 (431 kB)
No. 30 Interessierte Heyraht (Interesting Marriage) with voice.
No.31-without-voice.mp3 (907 kB)
No. 31 An den Tadler (To the Critics) without voice.
No.31-with-voice.mp3 (907 kB)
No. 31 An den Tadler (To the Critics) with voice.
No.32-without-voice.mp3 (848 kB)
No. 32 Sommer-Lust (Summer Enjoyment) without voice.
No.32-with-voice.mp3 (861 kB)
No. 32 Sommer-Lust (Summer Enjoyment) with voice.
No.33-without-voice.mp3 (662 kB)
No. 33 Glück (Happiness) without voice.
No.33-with-voice.mp3 (674 kB)
No. 33 Glück (Happiness) with voice.
No.34-without-voice.mp3 (853 kB)
No. 34 Mittel-Stand (Normality) without voice.
No.34-with-voice.mp3 (860 kB)
No. 34 Mittel-Stand (Normality) with voice.
No.35-without-voice.mp3 (1243 kB)
No. 35 Sein eigner Herr (His Own Master) without voice.
No.35-with-voice.mp3 (1243 kB)
No. 35 Sein eigner Herr (His Own Master) with voice.
No.36-without-voice.mp3 (500 kB)
No. 36 Mäßigkeit (Moderation) without voice.
No.36-with-voice.mp3 (500 kB)
No. 36 Mäßigkeit (Moderation) with voice.
No.37-without-voice.mp3 (722 kB)
No. 37 Geputzte Frau (Dress-Up Woman) without voice.
No.37-with-voice.mp3 (722 kB)
No. 37 Geputzte Frau (Dress-Up Woman) with voice.
No.38-with-voice.mp3 (569 kB)
No. 38 Beherzter Freyer (Gallant Suitor) with voice.
No.39-40-without-voice.mp3 (1488 kB)
No. 39-40 Toback (Tobacco) without voice.
No.39-40-with-voice.mp3 (1487 kB)
No. 39-40 Toback (Tobacco) with voice.
No.41-without-voice.mp3 (863 kB)
No. 41 Verläumder (Slanderer) without voice.
No.41-with-voice.mp3 (863 kB)
No. 41 Verläumder (Slanderer) with voice.
No.42-without-voice.mp3 (1069 kB)
No. 42 Freundschaft (Friendship) without voice.
No.42-with-voice.mp3 (1081 kB)
No. 42 Freundschaft (Friendship) with voice.
No.43-without-voice.mp3 (627 kB)
No. 43 Eine Durstige (A Thirsty Person) without voice.
No.43-with-voice.mp3 (627 kB)
No. 43 Eine Durstige (A Thirsty Person) with voice.
No.44-without-voice.mp3 (709 kB)
No. 44 Heuchler (Hypocrite) without voice.
No.44-with-voice.mp3 (710 kB)
No. 44 Heuchler (Hypocrite) with voice.
No.45-with-voice.mp3 (639 kB)
No. 45 Großthuer (Slob) with voice.
No.46-without-voice.mp3 (710 kB)
No. 46 Greiser Trinker (Old Drinker) without voice.
No.46-with-voice.mp3 (709 kB)
No. 46 Greiser Trinker (Old Drinker) with voice.
No.47-without-voice.mp3 (709 kB)
No. 47 Anderer Last unsre Lust (Others' Burden is Our Delight) without voice.
No.47-with-voice.mp3 (709 kB)
No. 47 Anderer Last unsre Lust (Others' Burden is Our Delight) with voice.
No.48-without-voice.mp3 (755 kB)
No. 48 Jeder sein eigner Richter (Each HIs Own Judge) without voice.
No.48-with-voice.mp3 (755 kB)
No. 48 Jeder sein eigner Richter (Each HIs Own Judge) with voice.