Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Lipscomb University

Publication Date

Spring 5-3-2023


This May 2023 Doctor of Ministry project thesis at Lipscomb University explores the formative stories of Black Christians in Predominantly White churches. What has become of the Ministry of Reconciliation widely adopted in evangelical circles? What are the experiences of Black Christians in predominantly White Churches, many of whom have mirrored racialization in America? This project focuses on the synthesis of these two horizons and offers a critique, call, and creative reflection for readers of this project.

Chapter one serves as an introduction to the work and provides context of the researcher. Chapter two will theologically reflect on the ministry of reconciliation by considering its relationship to justice and community. Chapter three will further this reflection by exploring the ubiquitous effect of racialization on the American cultural landscape and on Christian efforts of reconciliation. Chapter four offers an explanation of the study of the experiences of Black Christians in predominantly White churches while chapter five will present the interview findings. The sixth and final chapter will analyze the findings and fuse them with theological and formational reflection to elucidate the intersecting meanings of these phenomena.
