Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Lipscomb University

Publication Date

Spring 4-24-2023


This April 2023 Doctor of Ministry project thesis at Lipscomb University is a qualitative study that aims to explore and assess how the COVID-19 pandemic experience has shaped the life and faith of Woodland West Church of Christ and its members. Specifically, the study aims to explore how members of this local congregation sensed the pandemic experience shaped their faith as described in James 1:2-4. How have members sensed God at work in all this as described in Romans 8:28? How has it shaped their fears and hopes for the future? And has the pandemic shaped us in such a way as to motivate and move us to join God in pursuing renewal in our world and to rebuild what has been lost? It is hoped that one outcome of this project will be to inform our way forward as a congregation.

Members of Woodland West were invited to answer seven open-ended questions in an interactive congregational experience called a Day of Discovery, Hope and Renewal. The collective responses were reviewed and analyzed by six members of the congregation—three staff members and three regular members—in a collaborative effort to discern, understand, and explain the various beliefs and attitudes expressed by the members.
