Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Lipscomb University

Publication Date



The purpose of this Lipscomb University June 2024 Doctor of Minstry project thesis was to discern the missional implications of GFCC’s (Great Falls Church of Christ) context. Three components comprised the larger purpose. First, the purpose was to survey the mission of God in Scripture with a team made up of members from GFCC. This survey would facilitate the missional aspect of discerning the missional implications. Second, the purpose was to acquaint this team with practices and principles of spiritual discernment. Acquainting the team with these practices would facilitate the discerning aspect of discerning the missional implications. Third, the purpose was to complete a demographic study of GFCC’s context, including both GFCC and Great Falls. The demographics study would facilitate the context piece of discerning the missional implications of GFCC’s context.
