Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Lipscomb University

Publication Date

Spring 3-20-2023


This March 2024 Doctor of Ministry Project thesis at Lipscomb University explores how green spiritual practices of simplicity provide opportunities for spiritual formation and missional participation, especially for emerging adults. This project synthesizes the biblical and theological foundations for creation care, overviews the sociology of emerging adulthood, offers a framework for Christian simplicity, and investigates how green spiritual practices of simplicity impact the lived experiences of average followers of Jesus. Through interviews with 20 participants between the ages of 18 and 35, this study outlines what green spiritual practices of simplicity are and offers an analysis of themes that demonstrate that green spiritual practices of simplicity are meaningful for individual spiritual formation and communal participation in God’s mission.

By integrating biblical and theological reasons for caring for the environment, historical and traditional practices of simplicity, and the unique contextual challenges of emerging adulthood, this project reveals the spiritual depth of practices that are oriented toward caring for God’s creation. Not only are green spiritual practices of simplicity an opportunity to worship the Creator, they are also one way to experience wholeness within ourselves, love our neighbor, speak to the pressing concerns of young people, and embody the good news of Jesus to all creation
