Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 4-2023


In contemporary society, cars are regularly considered a way of life; to many, it is customary–or even necessary– to own one. A lack of public transportation options or non-auto focused infrastructure has created a society that highly values cars, resulting in a largely car-dependent nation. Despite this, there are still many who do not drive– whether by necessity or by choice. In order to move away from an over-prevalence of cars towards a more holistic balance in U.S. communities, a people-first outlook on streets must be purposefully demonstrated. But before a shift is made from car dependency to walkable and bikeable cities, one must understand the issues at hand. The following research presents a scholarly review of literature as it relates to transportation culture and mobility justice, including an understanding of car culture, a study into the history and behaviors of cities with thriving pedestrian and bicyclist activity, and a look at culture shifts towards mobility justice. A proposed educational concept map, “Reclaiming Our Streets,'' is presented to amplify the rights and dignity of pedestrians by tracing the history of car dependence and introducing a new way of thought. It hopes to enlighten others, and produce a culture shift towards safe and truly shared streets in the Nashville area.

Gipson_Calah SSS Poster.pdf (326 kB)
Capstone research poster presented at Lipscomb University's Student Scholar Symposium 2023.
